45 research outputs found

    Formative research on sequencing instruction with the elaboration theory

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    The elaboration theory of instruction offers guidelines for several patterns of simple-tocomple

    Chaos Theory and the Sciences of Complexity: Foundations for Transforming Education

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    Public education in the United States is an array of highly complex systems whose results have proven difficult to predict or control. Similarly, the process of transforming a school system is highly complex and difficult to predict or control. Chaos theory and the sciences of complexity (Kellert, 1993; Wheatley, 1999) were developed to help understand highly complex systems. They recognizes that beneath the apparently chaotic behavior of a complex system lie certain patterns that can help one to both understand and influence the behavior of the system. This paper begins with a summary of some of the key features of chaos theory and the sciences of complexity and then explores the ways that these theories can inform the systemic transformation of K-12 education in the United States. What Are Chaos Theory and the Sciences of Complexity? Some of the key features of chaos theory and the sciences of complexity include co-evolution, disequilibrium, positive feedback, perturbance, transformation, fractals, strange attractors, self-organization, and dynami


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    Teoría instruccional y tecnología para el nuevo paradigma de la educación

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    En este artículo se describe la teoría instruccional como base y apoyo a la educación post- industrial y a los sistemas de formación - a los sistemas personalizados y que están centrados en el alumno, en los que el progreso del estudiante se basa en el aprendizaje más que en una organización basada en el tiempo. El artículo describe los métodos universales de enseñanza, los métodos situacionales, también describe las ideas centrales del nuevo paradigma post-industrial de instrucción, la importancia y los problemas con la educación basada en la tarea. Los aborda desde la visión de una teoría de la instrucción para la educación y formación post-industrial, así como los papeles que pueden jugar el profesor, el alumno y la tecnología en el nuevo paradigma.This article describes instructional theory that supports post-industrial education and training systems – ones that are customized and learner-centered, in which student progress is based on learning rather than time. The article describes universal methods of instruction, situational methods, core ideas of the post-industrial paradigm of instruction, the importance of and problems with task-based instruction, a vision of an instructional theory for post- industrial education and training, and the roles that may be played by the teacher, the learner, and technology in the new paradigm

    Instructional-Design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory

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    Instructional theory describes a variety of methods of instruction (different ways of facilitating human learning and development) and when to use--and not use--each of those methods. It is about how to help people learn better. This volume provides a concise summary of a broad sampling of new methods of instruction currently under development, helps show the interrelationships among these diverse theories, and highlights current issues and trends in instructional design. It is a sequel to Instructional-Design Theories and Models: An Overview of Their Current Status, which provided a snapshot in time of the status of instructional theory in the early 1980s. Dramatic changes in the nature of instructional theory have occurred since then, partly in response to advances in knowledge about the human brain and learning theory, partly due to shifts in educational philosophies and beliefs, and partly in response to advances in information technologies. These changes have made new methods of instruction not only possible, but also necessary in order to take advantage of new instructional capabilities offered by the new technologies. These changes are so dramatic that many argue they constitute a new paradigm of instruction, which requires a new paradigm of instructional theory. In short, there is a clear need for this Volume II of Instructional Design Theories and Models. To attain the broad sampling of methods and theories it presents, and to make this book more useful for practitioners as well as graduate students interested in education and training, this volume contains twice as many chapters, but each half as long as the ones in Volume I, and the descriptions are generally less technical. Several unique features are provided by the editor to help readers understand and compare the theories in this book: *Chapter 1, which discusses the characteristics of instructional theory and the nature of the new paradigm of instruction, helps the reader identify commonalities across the theories. *Chapter forewords, which summarize the major elements of the instructional-design theories, are useful for reviewing and comparing theories, as well as for previewing a theory to decide if it is of interest, and for developing a general schema that will make it easier to understand. *Editor\u27s notes provide additional help in understanding and comparing the theories and the new paradigm of instruction to which they belong. *Units 2 and 4 have introductory chapters to help readers analyze and understand the theories in those units. This is an essential book for anyone interested in exploring new approaches to fostering human learning and development and thinking creatively about ways to best meet the needs of learners in all kinds of learning contexts

    Teoría instruccional y tecnología para el nuevo paradigma de la educación

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    En este artículo se describe la teoría instruccional como base y apoyo a la educación pos t - industrial y a los sistemas de formación - a los sistemas personalizados y que están centrados en el alumno, en los que el progreso del estudiante se basa en el aprendizaje más que en una organización basada en el tiempo. El artículo describe los método s universales de enseñanza, los métodos situacionales, también describe las ideas centrales del nuevo paradigma post - industrial de instrucción, la importancia y los problemas con la educación basada en la tarea. Los aborda desde la visión de una teoría de la instrucción para la educación y formación post - industrial, así como los papeles que pueden jugar el profesor, el alumno y la tecnología en el nuevo paradigma

    Instructional Theory and Technology for the New Paradigm of Education

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    This article describes instructional theory that supports post-industrial education and training systems – ones that are customized and learner-centered, in which student progress is based on learning rather than time. The article describes universal methods of instruction, situational methods, core ideas of the post-industrial paradigm of instruction, the importance of and problems with task-based instruction, a vision of an instructional theory for post-industrial education and training, and the roles that may be played by the teacher, the learner, and technology in the new paradig

    Intructional Design Theories And Models A New Padadigm Of Intructional Theory

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    RED. Revista de educación a distancia

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe describe la Teoría de la Instrucción como base y apoyo a la educación post-industrial y a los sistemas de formación, a los sistemas personalizados y que están centrados en el alumno, en los que el progreso del estudiante se basa en el aprendizaje más que en una organización basada en el tiempo. Asimismo se describen los métodos universales de enseñanza, los métodos situacionales. Además se detallan las ideas centrales del nuevo paradigma post-industrial de instrucción, la importancia y los problemas con la educación basada en la tarea. Se aborda desde la visión de una teoría de la instrucción para la educación y formación post-industrial, así como los papeles que pueden jugar el profesor, el alumno y la tecnología en el nuevo paradigma. Finalmente se establece un conjunto de roles claves (docentes y estudiantes) para el nuevo paradigma de instrucción acompañados de un plan personal de aprendizaje.MurciaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]